North Star Network acquires to expand sports media portfolio

Updated:2024-03-20 09:05    Views:106

North Star Network has completed the acquisition of, an addition to its portfolio of sports media sites.

The acquisition, transacted for a seven-figure sum, marks NSN's first major investment of 2024., established in 2011, has built a reputation for delivering timely sports news and results, with a particular focus on football coverage.

Upholding a decade of online presence and attracting seven million monthly sessions, SportsMole has cultivated a sizable readership base, extending beyond the UK to English-speaking audiences worldwide, including Africa and the United States.

Julien Josset, North Star Network Co-Founder,Online Casino Games said: “I want to thank Alan Jay and Neil Wilkes for their trust. SportsMole is a well-known sports media brand in the UK and many other English-speaking countries. Our ambition is to take this brand to the next level, by refining the editorial product, migrating to a new platform and diversifying the monetisation sources to make it a sustainable asset for North Star.”

This move follows NSN's previous forays into the Brazilian sports landscape, including partnerships with seven Brazilian football clubs' fan websites, aimed at delivering extensive news, rumours, predictions and analysis during the Brazilian football season.

Furthermore, North Star Network recently acquired, a Brazilian basketball website dedicated to the American basketball team, the LA Lakers.

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